Our ‘Branch’ Library Is Now Open W 9-3 -Th 11-4 – F11-4 -S 9-4

Branch library is Open for “Fall” Fun!
The Belden Noble “branch library” is open for business! We resumed regular hours on Wednesday, October 4, and we’re ready to welcome the entire family. Thanks to the generosity of the Essex Community Church and many volunteers, we are able to create a welcoming space for everyone. All services, including inter-library loan, are (pretty much) up and running. We have lugged over a great collection of books, DVDs, and audiobooks for kids and adults. We even have one Internet access computer. Come check them out!

Please note: If you tried and failed to borrow from another library during our hiatus and were told that you have fines, please let Julie know. The library police will not track you down. We are in the process of clearing fines on the accounts of our most regular patrons, but will miss some along the way.