All posts by Webmaster

Weekly Old-Time Fiddle Jam Sessions Sundays at 2:00 pm

Are you a beginning to intermediate musician who would like to work on tunes you already know, or learn new tunes while playing with other local musicians? Beginning Sunday, March 5 at 2:00 pm you are invited to join us weekly at the library for a relaxed slow jam session.
This program will focus on acoustic, instrumental old time fiddle tunes learned by ear. For a sense of the type of music we will explore, click here. This will be a relaxed and inviting space to work on tunes as a group. Note that the library also hosts a once a month jam session for more advanced players. For more information about either program, please contact us by e-mail All acoustic instruments welcome.

Browse our New Seed Library

To support sustainability and access for home gardeners, we’re starting a seed library. You’ll find classics, best sellers, recent prorogations, and Indie varieties now in our starter collection. We have (and are accepting donations of) heirloom varieties, certified organic, open-pollinated, and non-GMO seeds to share. As spring progresses, we will happily accept starter plants.

Patrons throughout the three-county library system have participated enthusiastically in free seed exchanges. We hope gardeners of all ages and skill levels will donate and cultivate! Patrons throughout the three-county library system have participated enthusiastically in free seed exchanges. We hope gardeners of all ages and skill levels will donate and cultivate!

Little-Effort Library Advocacy!

Did You Know?
53% of New Yorkers are registered public library users, however New York State libraries have been underfunded for more than a decade. Without your help the trend may continue this year. 
Despite support for increasing Library Operating Aid last year, the Executive Budget proposal for FY2024 includes a $3.5M cut in Library Operating Aid. Libraries will struggle to serve their communities and students with the proposed budget.

Please help us advocate for funding that complies with Education Law. You can advocate for libraries in many different ways. One option is to contact our elected officials by using pre-printed postcards that are available at the library, or by clicking here to send an e-postcard.

A few “factoids” that will be of interest to north country residents are:
* Since 2011, there have been an average of 159.4 million library visits per year. Yearly attendance at Buffalo Bills, New York Jets and New York Giants games averages 3.4 million.
* 63.6% of New York public libraries are the ONLY free access to computers/Internet in their communities. Over 17,300 public terminals are connected to the Internet.
* 98.4% of New York State public libraries have wireless availability. New Yorkers logged in for 21.9 million sessions last year.
Advocacy for libraries happens year-round. Please stop in to pick up this year’s advocacy materials and a brochure full of eye opening facts about the value of New York libraries to the people of New York State. 

Please, also contact your state representatives. The New York State Library Association makes contacting your representatives regarding library advocacy very easy. Visit this link, fill out your contact information, and it will automatically send a message to your representative that you want them to support libraries in New York State.

Blind Date with a Book – win chocolates for your Valentine!

Come to the library beginning Wednesday, January 25th and take a look at the books we’ve wrapped. Each book has a few hints about its ‘personality’ and hopefully you will find one you like and you will enjoy your ‘date’.
When your date is over, return the book review slip to be entered into our drawing on February 18th for a box of chocolates. We have ‘playdate’ books for kids too!

Video Binge Boxes – Coming Soon!

Borrow hours of entertainment with our new Binge Box collection. Each box contains 4-6
DVDs that share a theme based on a subject, an actor, a director, or things we think go together well. To start things off, we are compiling four Binge Boxes.

As an example, the “Don’t Travel with Tom Hanks”box includes Cast Away, Apollo 13, Captain Phillips, and Sully. Other boxes to be rolled out soon are: “Screen Queens”, “Getting Political”, “Pretentious? Moi?”, and “Unhinged and In Love.”

Once the collection gets underway, we’ll welcome your suggestions and donations.

Each box of bingeables will be securely packaged in a plastic tote. Binge Boxes will be
loaned for two weeks as a set, and should be returned as such.

Grab some popcorn (it’s on us while supplies last), curl up on the couch, and start bingeing

Watch for more details coming soon!

Shelfie Day – Post your shelfie!

On Wednesday, January 25, we’re celebrate Library Shelfie Day. This is a day for book lovers to share their favorite books and library shelves with the world in a fun way. After all, the world belongs to those who read! Readers of all ages are encouraged to take a selfie with their most beloved library shelf showcasing the books that stand out for them. Book stores, libraries, schools, and individuals from all over the world celebrate the day by sharing their favorite books or shelves on social media. Make your shelf (and your hair!) as pretty as can be, snap a shelfie, and share it with all who wish to see it. We suggest these three easy steps: Visit a library (preferably BNML!) and explore the stacks, or get reacquainted with your library at home. Find a shelf with some great reads and take a shelfie. Just stack up some books and snap away! Share your shelfie with other book lovers using the hashtag #libraryshelfie. You’ll be part of a community of book lovers – plus you can see what everyone else is reading!

On Wednesday, January 25, we’re celebrate Library Shelfie Day. This is a day for book lovers to share their favorite books and library shelves with the world in a fun way. After all, the world belongs to those who read! Readers of all ages are encouraged to take a selfie with their most beloved library shelf showcasing the books that stand out for them. Book stores, libraries, schools, and individuals from all over the world celebrate the day by sharing their favorite books or shelves on social media. Make your shelf (and your hair!) as pretty as can be, snap a shelfie, and share it with all who wish to see it. We suggest these three easy steps: Visit a library (preferably BNML!) and explore the stacks, or get reacquainted with your library at home. Find a shelf with some great reads and take a shelfie. Just stack up some books and snap away! Share your shelfie with other book lovers using the hashtag #libraryshelfie. You’ll be part of a community of book lovers – plus you can see what everyone else is reading!

Family Game Days: Saturdays in January and February noon to 4:00pm

Hey! Remember those long winter Saturday afternoons when there was nothing to do but play board games with the neighbor kids? Get back into that competitive spirit at our Bored Game” afternoons. We’re refereeing games for all ages here at the library on each remaining Saturday in January and February from 12:00 to 4:00. And yes, all games have instruction sheets: no making up the rules as you go along!

Cider and Cookies on December 3rd

We invite you to visit us in the library between 9:00 am and 3:00pm during Holidays in Essex on December 3rd. We will be serving cider and cookies all day for those who visit.

This will be your last day to place a bid on our auction items. The auction will close at 3:00 pm that day.

Hope to see you at the library!