All posts by Webmaster

Library of Things -Available to Borrow

You might not expect to walk into your local library to find that they have a camera you can check out, or a large assortment of baking equipment, or VR headsets. But libraries and the System as a whole have been bucking traditions to house more than just books in their buildings. Take a look at some of the things you can check out at your library by visiting the CEFLS Website. Place a request, just like a book and pick it up at Belden Noble!

Baking Pans
BiFolkal Remembering Kits
Big Idea Kits
Book Clubs in a Bag
Coding Kits
Empowering Girls Kits
Experience Kits
Flannel Board Kits
GamesJump Start
Early Literacy Kit
Let’s Make Music Kits
Maker Kits
Museum Passes
Photography Kit
Prep for Success Kit
Sensory Kits
VR Headsets

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Children’s Room Open By Reservation

We know it is hard on caregivers, especially in winter, to find fun things to occupy children. We have made the decision to open the 
Children’s area of the library
by reservation only.

Caregivers must call the library to request a time slot to visit the Children’s Room. The room will be available for reservation between 11:30AM and 3:30PM Wednesday – Saturday.

Reservations may be made by calling the library at 518-963-8079 during open hours only. Please do not leave reservation requests on the answering machine.

Those who have ‘Covid safe pods’ may reserve together, but we reserve the right to limit the number of people visiting at one time. All visitors must be on the reserve list. 

Caregivers are requested to wipe down toys used by young children before leaving. Wipes will be provided. 

Visitors may reserve the room for one hour. If no reservations follow yours, visit time may be extended. 

Children over the age of two must remain masked in the downstairs area of the library. If your younger child will tolerate a mask, we ask that you also mask them in the downstairs area. 

To insure the librarian’s safety, please stand back from the desk while checking out materials, and please do not linger in the downstairs area with young children, especially those who are unmasked.

Sun Fund Grant Received From Adirondack Foundation

We are pleased to announce that the Library received a SUN Fund grant from the Adirondack Foundation. The Library is using the grant to purchase air purifiers filters and filters so that our staff and patrons are safer when we fully open in the future. The foundation notes the following: “Adirondack Foundation’s Special and Urgent Needs Fund (SUN) is a responsive granting resource that can be deployed to assist Adirondack communities during times of crisis. Given the extraordinary circumstances of the novel coronavirus pandemic, this fund is mobilizing resources specifically for COVID-19 response.”

Bird Feeder Raffle

Visit the library to take a chance on this sweet little cedar bird feeder made by an Essex resident and donated to the library as a fundraiser. Tickets are $2.00 for one ticket, or $5.00 for 3 tickets. A starter jar of birdseed is included.


Assemblyman Jones is encouraging all North Country children to participate in the annual Summer Reading Challenge. It’s especially important that kids are engaged in reading and learning now more than ever in the wake of 3 months of remote learning. Download the PDF version of the calendar and encourage your child to read for 15 minutes a day for at least 40 days in July and August. If they complete the challenge and fill out the PDF to send to Assemblyman Jones’ district office at 202 U.S. Oval, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, they’ll receive an “Excellence in Reading” certificate by the end of the summer.

Support Our Library While You Shop

Amazon Smile:  The Belden Noble Memorial Library is registered with Amazon Smile. That means, anytime you order from Amazon, you can make a donation to the library at no cost to you. Simply go to and choose Belden Noble Memorial Library as your charity of choice, and Amazon will donate directly to the library. Not every purchase generates a donation, but many do. Please note the ‘smile’ must be in the URL to find the charity options. For more information about donating via Amazon, you can go to their website at